The following 5 statements of belief influence every aspect of our retreats.

The Authority of the Bible

The Bible is the infallible word of God, our Creator, given to humanity so that we can know him and his redemptive plan for his creation.

– Hebrew 4.12; 1 Timothy 3.16
– Archeology, Historical data, Literary complexity, Cultural and Worldwide impact (positive)

The Sovereignty of the God

The God of the Bible is the only true God that reigns supremely over the entire universe. He is eternal, spoke all of creation into existence, and created mankind with freewill. Because of man’s conscience choice to rebel against God’s will, imperfection was allowed to entire a perfect world. This imperfection takes the form of pain, suffering and ultimately death. Due to God’s mercy, however, he set in place a plan that would entirely redeem all of creation to its originally intended form.

– Genesis 1-3; Psalms 115.3; Proverbs 16.9; Romans 8.28; Daniel 4.34,35; 7.9-14; Isaiah 41.26
– Ancient history of Israel (Exodus – Exile)
– Complexity of the natural world and the perfect order of its design

The Divinity of Jesus

God brings his plan to redeem humanity from their own rebellion and destruction to a head with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus willingly gave up his place in Heaven as part of the triune God-head in order to give mankind a way to be reconciled to God. Through living a perfect life and then dying a death reserved for a criminal, Jesus bears humanities’ consequences for their rebellion against God. By doing this, God can look in justness at a wicked people and declare that they are no longer held accountable for their sin; they have been released from their rightful debt due to Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice. Therefore, it is only through trusting in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection that one can be reconciled with their Creator and experience true life both now and in eternity.

– John 1.1-18; 2 Corinthians 5.14-21; 1 Peter 2.21-25; Isaiah 52.13-53.12; John 14.6
– The lives of countless people who have experienced profound renewal in their own lives due to placing their faith in this fact.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

After his ascension to heaven, Jesus releases the Spirit of God to come and dwell within his followers (the new temple). His role is to comfort (emotional, mentally, physically, spiritually), empower (miracles, wisdom, boldness), guide (conviction of truth and impartation of wisdom) and sanctify (continually move towards holiness).

– John 14.15-17,25,25; 16.7-15; Acts 1-8; 2 Corinthians 3.17,18

The Responsibility of God’s people

Because of the freedom from sin given freely from Jesus’ sacrifice, followers of Jesus are called to live lives at a much higher standard so that they may experience the life that God intends for them as well as encourage others of the truth that is found in the God of the Bible. A major component of this new style of living is an active pursuit of God in one’s own personal life. Before we can look to speak truth into other peoples’ lives, we must allow God to transform our own minds, emotions and deeper belief systems.

– 1 Peter 1.13-15; 4.1-6; Galatians 5.13,14; Romans 12.1,2; Matthew 22.34-40